Category: General

YCDSB Study Help Website

The York Catholic District Board has created a  Study Help Google Site  in order to support all Secondary students with their note-taking and study habits. This site will be updated frequently with focus on providing tools for students as they prepare for evaluations and examinations. 

Please use the following link to access the Study Help website:

YCDSB STUDY HELP WEBSITE ... Continue reading "YCDSB Study Help Website"

English As A Second Language (ESL) @SJA

The ESL Department started off the 2021-2022 school year with a warm welcome to new students and a display of leadership by our senior students. On August 26th and 27th, the ESL Department at St. Joan of Arc CHS along with the Settlement and Education Partnership in York Region (SEPYR) hosted the NOW Program which welcomed new students to the community and helped prepare them ... Continue reading "English As A Second Language (ESL) @SJA"

Mathify (Formerly known as Homework Help) – Math Help For Students

DO YOU NEED HELP WITH MATH? Free online math tutoring is available for students in grades 7-10 at MATHIFY