September 2023 Newsletter


Dear Saint Joan of Arc Parents and Guardians,

I hope this message finds you well. Our goal this year is to strengthen the connection with our community and share the wonderful learning experiences happening daily at SJA. As we enter the fall season, we’re excited to present the September edition of our school newsletter, THUNDERSTRUCK.

Our newsletter serves as a crucial communication tool to keep you informed about the latest school news, important dates, and exciting developments within our community.

We invite you to take a moment to read the newsletter and stay engaged with our vibrant school life. We believe that a strong partnership between parents, students, and the school is essential for creating a thriving learning environment.

We value your feedback and welcome any comments or ideas for future editions. Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education, and we eagerly anticipate a successful and enriching academic year together.

Please check out our September 2023 Newsletter